Powering brokers
with more business

Loadlink is Canada’s only load board with the largest network of reliable carriers.

The load board of choice for companies who want to grow


Postings Per Hour


Active Members


Book Loads Immediately


Years of Proven Technology

Reduce Work & Increase Cash Flow

Loadlink’s easy-to-use platform simplifies the freight-matching experience by letting you post your available trucks in seconds. With a few strokes of your keyboard and clicks of your mouse, you’ll have access to thousands of loads.

Post, match, deliver, and proceed to watch your business grow and profit.

Powerful & Personal

Loadlink understands that as a broker, your role is critical in ensuring freight is properly moved from point A to B. Whether you need to get one load or one hundred loads covered, Loadlink’s network has the capacity you’re seeking. Boost your business by saving time and resources on your hunt for qualified carriers.

Canada’s Trucking Network
Access the most loads available at any time in Canada and cross border.

Expand Your Business
Use the carrier search function to find capacity in new lanes, allowing you to negotiate and win new bids for lanes that you know you can get covered.

Build Connections
Instantly connect with thousands of carriers across North America and build your dedicated network to streamline future shipments.

Secure & Flexible

We build security in everything we do so you can take the guesswork out of whom you do business with. Loadlink connects you to qualified carriers and puts you in the driver’s seat to select your carrier of choice.

Carrier Verification & Reporting
Easily inspect and verify carrier insurance details and operating authorities. See years in business, track average days to pay and view credit reports from Equifax and TransCredit.

Get Noticed
Cover more loads even faster by getting pre-approved for factoring with our QuickPay indicator.

Match Based on Your Conditions
Control your carrier preferences by searching based on origin, destination, radius, equipment type, size and more.

The simplicity and power of Loadlink in your pocket

Post your load and search available trucks with Loadlink Mobile straight from your device while on the go.

Post your available equipment in your favourite lanes wherever you are, whenever you want. Perfect for owner-operators looking for their next load while on the road.
Not at your computer? No problem. Never miss out on any new loads posted and book straight from your mobile device with our safe and secure mobile app.
Receive and send status updates to inform others when your load delivers to get paid as soon as 24 hours on factored loads.

Want to track your load’s delivery progress?
Request your carriers to download the free Loadlink Driver app on Android or iOS. They’ll be able to upload and send delivery confirmation for faster payment, limit calls to and from dispatch, and make life easier for you, themselves and your customers.



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Experience why revenue leaders rely on Loadlink to deliver stronger business results

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Trusted by thousands in the industry

Helps when in a pinch

Fast service, easy access. It helps me find those pesky LTL shipments that I need to book.

Kelly, Solutions En Transport PPH

Easy to navigate

I could comfortably navigate the application after only a 10-minute phone call.

Marian, Landstar

Works great

I’ve been in this industry for 20 years and we’ve used Loadlink right from the get go…it works great.

Kevin, Kaljen Logistics Inc.

Find the right carriers, loads

We utilize Loadlink not only to help us fill our equipment...but, also to find the right carriers for our loads.

Andres, B2B Freightway Inc.

Vital to our success

I have no doubts stating that Loadlink has played a vital role in the success of our brokerage.

Saima, Safe N Save Logistics Inc.

Important to our success

[Loadlink] has now become a very important piece to the success of our trucking division.

Michael, Straitlink Global Logistics Inc.

One of the best

SPI has used various similar services in North America and has found Loadlink to be one of the best...

Mitch, SPI Logistics

Thrilled with Loadlink

I am thrilled with your load and equipment matching system, especially the “Live” feature.

Dennis, O'Connor's Distribution Inc.

Best truck finder

There's none better for finding a truck for your load!!!!

Chris, Trafalgar Supply Co

Found amazing carriers

Use the Link daily! Helps me find trucks from any point in Canada and the USA.

Eriny, R.G. Transportation Services Ltd.

Easy to use

Loadlink is very easy to use and to find trucks that can cover loads.

Ana, Clear Customs Brokers Ltd.

Saves me time

I like the carrier search function of [on] the Link...This saves me time, as well as vetting...Everyone wins!

Edward, Scout Logistics Corporation

Worth every penny

I was skeptical in the beginning due to the cost but they [Loadlink] are worth EVERY penny.

Rita, SARAS Transport

Link va très bien

Le programme Link va très bien. Au delà de nos attentes.

Tomy, Transport Tomy Archambault Inc.

Le service est excellent

Je travail avec ce systeme depuis deja plusieurs années dans les entreprises antérieurs ou j'ai travailler...le service est excellent.

Chantal, Transport AJS